AmigaActive (1995/2143)

From:Bart King
Date:30 May 2000 at 16:34:51
Subject:Re: serious problem -need answer quick (this is OT)

Robbin Van Ooy <> wrote:

> >EMBED is a bit crap, OBJECT is better
> I have never heard of this tag, is it supported in all browsers?

Nope. <object> is very Windows - it can use ActiveX, and also classes
defined in the registry. I'm not sure if Linux supports it some how, but
Amiga browsers certainly don't (and probably can't, since all objects are
compiled for x86).

> 1) What file format should I use? mp3 sounds logical, but how many browsers
> support this tag? remember, plugins arent allowed, it has to work in all
> browsers, starting from V2 or something. So, does Netscape2 handle mp3
> by itself? In that case, I would definately go for mp3. But if I did
> that, does it automatically 'stream'�the audio? (plays while
> downloading, or the other way around of you want?) Hmm hang on that was
> question 2 actually.

The way browsers do this - if there is no plug-in installed - is via either
MIME (Netscape, and other browsers) or platform-specific extension
recognition (Internet Explorer).

If there is no plug-in for MP3 as an example, the browser will download the
file to temporary storage, then open the associated program for the
file type (either by MIME or .mp3 extension). The browser then has no
control at all about what happens next - the user can do anything with the
program that is playing the MP3.

Of course, if the browser cannot launch a program associated with MP3s or
there is no MIME type set for MP3s, it will just download the file to disk.

> 2) Does a simple <a href="blah.mp3"> 'stream'�the audio?

Nope, streamed audio is completely different. You'll require software to
author streamed files, and your server will require to have software
installed and running to handle streamed output.

> 3) I was thinking more about a .wav file, the sounds wont be larger than
> 10 seconds or so, so a .wav file, although much bigger than .mp3, would
> be sufficient wouldnt it? If I did that, what tag should I use?

HTML does not support sounds. All sound is handled by external
applications (the bgsound tag is not standard).

> 4) Realaudio. Now, I know for sure that this has more support than mp3, but
> unfortunately, there arent any tools on amiga that will let me make .ra

This costs money - RealAudio encoders/streamers are mega bucks.

> would do just that, so what PC tool do I need to build realaudio files?

See Be warned, it is not cheap.

> And I know for sure that this person has visited a site where music
> plays when you click on something, or enter the site. And perhaps this

Most sites I've seen that have music in the background usually make me go
away - especially MIDI or MOD files. Most people play a CD, an MP3 or
even listen to the radio whilst they are browsing, anyway.

> person thought 'hey, Im quite bored actually, lets quit IE and try
> Netscape on this site'�so he knows that the site works on both browsers

An odd way to make sure it is compatible on PC/Mac and IE/Netscape is to
use Shockwave Flash. It supports sounds (not just images/animation) and
works fine. Again, tools to create Flash files cost. See

> the way, what fileformat and what tag is the most compatible of all the
> options mentioned?

None :)

Yes, this has nothing to do with Amiga's so probably best stop this thread.

Bart King
ICQ: 18178781 - IRC: bart (ArcNET)

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Remember the good 'ol days

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